Month Archives: December 2022


Kodakco Academy Reviews | SAP BO Course Reviews- 9.7/10

Kodakco Academy Reviews | SAP BO course reviews Kodakco Academy Review by Apurba- 9.8/10 Had an amazing experience! Joining the SAP BO course with Kodakco Academy was the wisest decision I've ever made for my career. Thanks to Kodakco Academy for presenting such an outstanding online learning platform allowing students...

Six Sigma Certification

15 Burning questions every Six sigma Professional would Ask

Six Sigma can solve your Problem Frequently Asked Questions for Six Sigma Professionals Six Sigma Certifications are setting the world ablaze. A number of Six Sigma professionals are hopping onto the programs and getting graduated with the specialization in order to secure a sound career with top celebrated firms of the industry. Not just that, a number...

Content writing

5+5 Tips for SEO Content Writing VS SEO Copywriting

SEO Content writing and SEO Copywriting are similar, with a significant difference between the two. Both serve differently for the different aspects of the writing purposes. However, they both play around with the words as per the need of the target audiences. In both cases, the intention is to raise...

Accounting & Taxation Course

Top 30 Accounting and Taxation Questions and Answers in 2023

Accounting and Taxation are topics that are widely used in organizations. They are business terminologies that are self-explanatory. Accounting and taxation involve maintaining Account records. Tax accounting is the term used to generate taxable liabilities and assets and in the accounting records of individuals or businesses. To understand the topic...

Medical writing

What is Medical writing (Exposed)

Introduction The history of medical writing dates back to Ancient Indian texts such as the Atharva Veda, Sushruta Samhita, and Charaka Samhita . These are the medical treasuries which helped many scientists to dig into the roots of human health care. The first person to document a surgery was the 6th century BC Indian...

sap training institutes online

10+ Best SAP Training Institute Online (Exposed)

The current era is witnessing some major transformations in almost every sector of the globe. There are new innovations and demands that every field is currently going through. And to cope up with this transformational race your abilities & certifications are major vital plots.  The generation we live in is...

Instructional Designs

Instructional Designs (Leaked)

Teaching is one of the noblest professions. Here you are not just imparting knowledge but also molding the cognitive ability in the mind of learners. A good teacher imparts the fortune of knowledge for the youth to thrive. The progress depends upon the quality of syllabus being taught. Each student...

Medical writing

Top 10 Medical Writing Courses in India: 2023 (Leaked)

Writing has evolved tremendously during this era of modernization. There has been cultural exchange and a burst of global opportunities that have now enabled us to extend our hands globally. The diversity we experience today has opened several doors to experimenting and not just limiting individuals to being a Doctor...

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